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Here We Grow Again
The more babies someone has, the more “mommier” I think they are. Let me explain. I have a daughter, therefore I am a mom. However, now that she is almost 4 years old, I also always have a bit of quiet time to myself each day. Then there are mom moms, likeβ¦MOMS. Who have a kid on the boob, or clinging to another part of their body every second of every day. Not to say that parenting isn’t hectic, regardless of how many kids your are raising!
I guess I feel as though every pregnancy puts you in another league of parenting. The more you have, the more your “congratulations” are laced with “good luck!”. The less likely it is your house will be clean before the next decade, and the less likely you are to get an accumulative 4 hours of sleep.
Well, I want to wish many congratulations and good lucks to my dear friend and neighbor Gabriella, who is graduating to the mom x3 club!
Sure, it’s going to be CA-RAZY! But the kind of crazy that makes life wonderful. The kind of crazy that fills your home with constant giggles and sounds of exploring, adventure, learning, growing, living, and loving.
My hat is off to you, Gabriella, and to all the mommy’s out there who have whole heartedly embraced the meaning of family, and of motherhood. You are amazing. Keep up the good work.
I hope you will allow me to abandon my quite time, and soak up some of the hectic hustle and bustle at your home whenever my life is feeling just a bit too calm. π
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