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D.I.Y Photo Coasters



You will need:

(makes 8)

8 tiles – Find them at Home Depot or Lowe’s
Small felt pads, 2-4 per tile
8 4×4″ photos- You can trim your 4×6″ prints down to your desired fit
Craft Glue
Glossy Mod Podge
Soft Bristles Paint Brush


How to:

Trim photos, and glue to tiles. Once glue dries, apply a thick coat of Mod Podge over surface of the tile. Apply 3-5 coats, with two hour dry time in between coats. I had to let the Mod Podge sit for several days before it was completely dry.

I tested them out once the Mod Podge completely dried. Cold sweaty glasses, or piping hot coffee did not ruin the images! They are displayed on our coffee table and even though they are rarely used, (because I prefer to keep my coffee in my hand r my mouth) it’s a fun way to display some of my favorite photos!

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