What you need:
- Blank , oven safe, mug.
I found mine at H-E-B for a $1.50! I usually check Target, Tuesday Morning, Ross, or the Dollar store for cute, inexpensive, and solid white mugs.
- Glass Paint Markers
You can buy them individually or in packs at crafts stores like Michaels, Hobby Lobby, or Joan’s. I bought a six pack at Hobby Lobby for $20.00
- Stencil *optional
If you’re a perfectionist, or just a bad artist (like me!) you may prefer to pick out a stencil for your design.
- A Working Oven
Am I being too obvious now? 😉
What to do:
- Wash mug and let it dry completely.
Plan your design, you may want to do some practice doodles on a sheet of paper!
I used a stencil for my cupcake outline, so I started out with tightly taping the stencil to the mug
- “Activate” your markers. This was my first time using paint markers, and I had to learn to be patient with them! Shake them for a good while (and vigorously) Press the point down on a sheet of paper until you see the inks bleed out. Wait until the entire tip of the marker is filled with ink before you begin drawing on your mug. I had to press and wait for a couple of minutes with a few of the markers, but once the ink came out, they worked wonderfully!
- Draw your outline and fill it with color. If you are outlining in black, or adding detail in black, make sure you let it dry completely before adding color. Otherwise, the black will streak into your bright, cheery, colors!
- If you want to clean up some lines after you finish your art, use a q-tip with nail polish remover to clean off the marker.
- Let it “air cure”, aka sit out for 8 hours to overnight.
After it’s air cured, place your mug in a cool oven, and set the temp to 375 fahrenheit. Once your oven has reached 357 degrees, let the mg bake for 40 minutes.
Turn off oven, and let cool to room temperature while mug is in oven.
- Give yourself a high five!
You just made an adorable, personalized mug! Aren’t you cool? Now, sit back and imagine all the people who need handmade mugs from you. A silly one for your coffee addict bestie, a sweet one for your hubby, a cute pair for you parents, etc, etc.
If you do this project, I would love to see what you com up with! Leave your questions or your photo’s in the comments below!
Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
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