When You Childhood Friend Becomes A Dr.!

When You Childhood Friend Becomes A Dr.!

I’m sure it didn’t seem so “sudden” to her, but I’ll always remember this beautiful girls as the friend I could always count on to hold  a seat for me at orchestra practice, since I was always late! It didn’t phase me as my newsfeed filled up with engagement and pregnancy announcement, but realizing my childhood friends are now Dr.’s, Police officers, or business owners, make me think we might all be growing up!



Every sleepover at this girls house involved some crazy new story to tell, or a new activity learned. She taught me how to apply fake nails, play Sims, introduced me to chat rooms, added Jessica Simpson music video to my Myspace profile, and even took me to my first Texas rodeo…where we got caught in the rain.

senior photos, graduate, college

Then one day we graduated high school. I went off to start a family, and she went on to keep studying hard like she always has. Then she kept studying, and studying some more, and now my beautiful friend is a Dr.! It makes me feel way more adult than I think of myself to say that. Clearly, she’s much more adult than I.

college graduate, senior pictures,


I’m so proud of her! Congratulations, Brittany!


p.s. So this means I can keep you on speed dial for all my medical questions and abnormalities, right?! 😉

All images Anna Angenend Photography ©







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