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Holiday Centerpiece

Holiday Centerpiece


So cheer. Much Merry.

Do you have some random items that move from place to place in your house, but can never find a permanent home? That was this rectangle mirror for about five years in my apartment. Then inspiration struck, and a few pickle jars, tea lights, Hobby Lobby Christmas clearance aisles and broken ornaments, later…ta da!

Using my mirror and some recycled jars, it cost me about $7 to put together. It’s so festive, and it gives perfect mood lighting of your coffee table or dining room.



Aerial view for tall guest πŸ˜‰

I used a couple of mason jars as well as a pickle jar, pasta sauce and salsa jar. I like the variation of sizes. I have found the best way to remove labels form jars is really hot soapy water, and a butter knife. I use goo gone to remove any tacky left behind, and lastly nail polish remover instantly wipes off the expiration stamp on the jar.

My daughter and I had fun adding sequins and glitter to a couple of the jars. You can never have enough glitz and glam for Christmas, right?! It’s as simple as dipping the jar in craft glue, and sprinkling glitter on them. Place it upside down to dry!



I found the berries, evergreen branches and crystals at Hobby Lobby. I used wire cutter to separate the evergreen branches. The red balls are simply ornaments from Big Lot’s, and I pulled the hangers out of the top.


That about covers it! I imagine there are endless ways you could customize this to fit your decor color scheme. I would love to see what you come up with! Please share you version, or your questions in the comments.

See you next time!


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